Translation Japanese English: 成り変わる
Dictionary: main
1 accomplish, achieve, add up, amount, attain, become, bring home the bacon, come, come out, come through, comprise, consist, constitute, contract, deliver the goods, form, get, go, grow, make, maturate, mature, number, reach, succeed, take, total, turn, turn out, win.
2 accomplish, action, be, become, carry out, carry through, cost, dally, diddle, do, execute, fiddle, flirt, fulfil, fulfill, function, get, grow, make, maturate, mature, perform, play, put, put on, serve, take, toy, try, try on, turn, turn in.
3 add up, amount, become, change state, come, come off, constitute, contract, form, get, go, go off, go over, grow, make, maturate, mature, number, peal, ring, take, total, turn.
4 become, bend, call on, change by reversal, change state, deform, ferment, flex, grow, move around, plough, plow, release, reverse, rick, sour, sprain, turn, turn over, twist, work, wrench, wrick.
5 become, change, change over, change state, convert, make, reform, revise, transform, transmute, transubstantiate, turn.