翻訳 日本語 英語: 心像
辞書: main
1 allegory, emblem, image, internal representation, mental representation, persona, representation, symbol, symbolic representation, symbolisation, symbolization.
2 character, image, important person, influential person, part, persona, personage, role, theatrical role.
3 characterisation, characterization, delineation, depiction, exposure, figure, figure of speech, image, imagery, imagination, imaging, mental image, mental imagery, mirror image, persona, photo, photograph, pic, picture, reflection, reflexion, trope, video, word picture, word-painting.
4 double, effigy, epitome, figure, figure of speech, icon, ikon, image, look-alike, mental image, paradigm, persona, picture, prototype, range, range of a function, simulacrum, trope.
5 effigy, figure, figure of speech, icon, ikon, image, mental image, persona, picture, projection screen, screen, silver screen, simulacrum, trope.
6 effigy, icon, ikon, illustration, image, mental image, mirror image, picture, reflection, reflexion, simulacrum, video.