Переклад англійською з японської: 徹底的に
Словник: main
1 a good deal, a great deal, a lot, alarmingly, bad, badly, considerably, downright, exceedingly, extremely, greatly, heavily, high, immensely, lots, much, often, outstandingly, passing, rattling, real, really, remarkably, substantially, super, to a great extent, unco, unusually, vastly, very, very much, well, widely.
2 absolutely, all, all the way, altogether, clean, clear, completely, dead, downright, entirely, exhaustively, good, perfectly, plum, plumb, quite, right, soundly, thoroughly, totally, utterly, whole, wholly.
3 absolutely, by far, dead, decisively, downright, easily, far and away, firm, firmly, out and away, perfectly, resolutely, steadfastly, unwaveringly, utterly.
5 clean, downright, just right, plum, plumb, quite, simply, to a T, to perfection, to the letter, well.