Translation Japanese English: 奈落
Dictionary: main
1 Bedlam, Hell, Inferno, booby hatch, crazy house, cuckoo's nest, funny farm, funny house, hell on earth, hellhole, loony bin, madhouse, nut house, nuthouse, sanatorium, snake pit, the pits.
2 Hades, Hell, Inferno, Scheol, Sin, blaze, hell on earth, hellhole, infernal region, nether region, netherworld, perdition, pit, snake pit, the pits, underworld.
3 Hades, Hell, Scheol, abysm, abyss, deep, disconnect, disconnection, gulf, infernal region, netherworld, underworld.
5 Hell, Inferno, blaze, fire, hell on earth, hellhole, infernal region, nether region, perdition, pit, snake pit, the pits.