Translation Japanese English: やる
Dictionary: main
1 accomplish, achieve, action, attain, carry out, carry through, do, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, perform, put through, reach.
3 accomplish, action, apply, carry on, carry out, carry through, conduct, deal, do, execute, fulfil, fulfill, give, make, perform, put on, take, turn in.
4 accomplish, action, apply, carry out, carry through, complete, discharge, dispatch, do, execute, exercise, fulfil, fulfill, perform, practice, practise, use.
5 accomplish, action, apply, carry out, carry through, do, execute, exercise, fulfil, fulfill, perform, practice, practise, run, use.
6 accomplish, action, apply, carry out, carry through, do, execute, fulfil, fulfill, make, perform, practice, put on, take, turn in, use.
7 accomplish, action, be, become, carry out, carry through, cost, dally, diddle, do, execute, fiddle, flirt, fulfil, fulfill, function, get, grow, make, maturate, mature, perform, play, put, put on, serve, take, toy, try, try on, turn, turn in.
8 accomplish, action, be, carry out, carry through, compose, comprise, constitute, construct, do, effect, execute, fulfil, fulfill, get, make, make up, perform, put on, represent, take, turn in.
9 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, clear up, complete, discharge, dispatch, do, eat up, execute, finish, finish off, finish up, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, get through, go through, implement, mop up, perform, polish off, put on, put through, turn in, wrap up.
10 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, do, engage, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, perform, put through, wage.
11 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, do, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, kill, perform, put through.
12 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, do, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, perform, play, put through, put to death, spiel.
13 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, do, execute, fulfil, fulfill, perform, put to death, run.
14 act, answer, arrange, behave, cause, coif, coiffe, coiffure, come, do, dress, execute, exercise, fare, get along, make, make out, manage, perform, practice, practise, serve, set, suffice.
15 act, apply, do, effect, employ, execute, exercise, move, perform, practice, practise, use, utilise, utilize.
16 act, brew, cause, create, cut, do, effect, execute, get, give, have, hold, induce, make, move, perform, produce, render, stimulate, throw.
19 agree, commit, concord, concur, do, effect, effectuate, employ, engage, execute, hire, hold, invest, perform, place, put, put to death, run, set up.
20 arrive at, attain, bring in, build, ca-ca, cause, clear, constitute, construct, cook, crap, create, defecate, do, draw, earn, establish, fix, form, gain, get, get to, give, have, hit, hold, induce, lay down, make, make believe, make up, make water, micturate, name, nominate, pass water, pee, pee-pee, piddle, piss, prepare, pretend, produce, progress to, puddle, pull in, reach, ready, realise, realize, relieve oneself, score, seduce, shit, spend a penny, stimulate, stool, take, take a crap, take a leak, take a shit, take in, throw, urinate, wee, wee-wee, work.
21 barf, be sick, bring back, cast, cat, chuck, disgorge, do, exasperate, honk, incense, infuriate, make, puke, purge, regorge, regurgitate, retch, return, sick, spew, spue, take back, throw up, upchuck, vomit, vomit up.