Переклад англійською з французської: uvre
Словник: main
2 Book, apparency, apparentness, body of work, oeuvre, piece of writing, work, writing, written material.
3 Book, authorship, body of work, composition, literary composition, literary work, oeuvre, paternity, penning, piece of writing, work, writing, written material.
5 Constitution, Creation, body of work, composition, creative activity, make-up, makeup, oeuvre, physical composition, production, work.
7 Job, body of work, chore, mathematical operation, mathematical process, oeuvre, operation, procedure, task, work.
8 act, acting, body of work, drama, dramatic art, dramatic play, dramatics, dramaturgy, histrionics, oeuvre, performance, performing, play, playacting, playing, representation, show, theater, theatre, theatrical, theatrical performance, work.