Translation Spanish English: superar
Dictionary: main
2 bang up, bat, beat, beat out, better, breach, break, bust, clobber, crack, cream, crush, defeat, demolish, despoil, destroy, drub, get the better of, go against, infract, lick, offend, overcome, plunder, pull, put down, rape, rend, rip, rive, rupture, shell, smash, smash up, snap, spoil, tear, thrash, transgress, trounce, vanquish, violate.
3 be, come through, endure, go, hold out, hold up, last, live, live on, make it, pull round, pull through, survive.
5 beat, beat out, bilk, bowl over, bring down, bunk, crush, cut down, defeat, demolish, destroy, down, drop, fell, get the better of, knock down, knock over, overcome, overthrow, overturn, pull down, push down, shell, strike down, subvert, tip, tip over, topple, trounce, tumble, tump over, turn over, upset, vanquish.
6 beat, beat out, bilk, crush, defeat, demolish, destroy, get the better of, kill, overcome, shell, tip, topple, trounce, tumble, vanquish.
7 beat, beat out, bowl over, coldcock, crush, cut down, deck, defeat, down, dump, floor, get the better of, knock down, knock over, overcome, overturn, pull down, push down, shell, tip over, trounce, tump over, turn over, upset, vanquish.
8 beat, beat out, convert, convince, crush, defeat, excel, get over, get the better of, master, outclass, outpoint, outscore, overcome, shell, stand out, subdue, surmount, surpass, trounce, vanquish, win over.
9 beat, beat up, coldcock, cut down, deck, defeat, down, drop, dump, fell, floor, get the better of, knock down, overcome, pull down, push down, strike down, work over.
10 best, exceed, outdo, outflank, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outstrip, scoop, surmount, surpass, trump.
11 bilk, come through, elude, evade, experience, go across, go through, make it, pass, pull round, pull through, see, survive.
12 bounce back, come back, convalesce, find, get over, get well, go back, heal, mend, reconstruct, recoup, recover, recuperate, reestablish, regain, rehabilitate, reinstate, restore, retrieve, return.
13 bounce back, come through, defeat, exceed, get over, get the better of, get through, get well, make it, master, outclass, outdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outplay, outstrip, overbear, overcome, pull round, pull through, subdue, surmount, surpass, survive.
14 bounce back, convalesce, defeat, get over, get the better of, get well, go back, overcome, recover, recuperate.
15 bounce back, cover, cross, cut across, cut through, get across, get over, get well, master, overcome, pass over, subdue, surmount, track, traverse.
16 brave, brave out, come through, endure, exceed, excel, go past, make it, outdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outstrip, overstep, pass, pull round, pull through, stand out, surmount, surpass, survive, top, transcend, weather.
17 break away, bunk, escape, exceed, excel, fly the coop, head for the hills, hightail it, lam, outdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outstrip, run, run away, scarper, scat, stand out, surmount, surpass, take to the woods, turn tail.
18 break through, bring home the bacon, come through, deliver the goods, get through, make it, pull round, pull through, succeed, survive, win.
20 chasten, conquer, crucify, curb, get over, inhibit, keep down, master, mortify, overcome, quash, reduce, repress, stamp down, subdue, subjugate, subordinate, suppress, surmount, tame.
21 clear, exceed, go past, outdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outstrip, overstep, pass, surmount, surpass, top, transcend.
22 clear up, click, come home, come through, contact, dawn, fall into place, finish off, finish up, get across, get hold of, get through, mop up, penetrate, polish off, reach, sink in, while away, wrap up.
23 come through, endure, exist, go, hold out, hold up, last, live, live on, make it, outlast, outlive, pull round, pull through, subsist, survive.
24 come through, endure, get over, go, hold out, hold up, last, live, live on, make it, master, overcome, pull round, pull through, subdue, surmount, survive.
25 come through, endure, go, hold out, hold up, last, last out, live, live on, make it, outride, pull round, pull through, ride out, stay, survive, tide.
26 conquer, control, crucify, curb, domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, dominate, domineer, get over, hold sway, inhibit, master, mortify, overcome, reclaim, stamp down, subdue, suppress, surmount, tame, tyrannise, tyrannize.
29 defeat, get over, get the best, get the better of, have the best, master, overcome, overpower, overtake, overwhelm, subdue, surmount, sweep over, whelm.
34 exceed, excel, go by, go past, outdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outstrip, pass, pass by, stand out, surmount, surpass, transcend, travel by.
35 exceed, excel, jump, jump out, leap out, outdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outstrip, stand out, stick out, surmount, surpass.
- Lexicographical index
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- suntuoso
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- superar
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- superchería