Translation Spanish English: segundo
Dictionary: main
2 concluding, cutting-edge, final, last, last-place, latter, lowest, net, terminal, ultimate, up-to-date, utmost, with-it.
1 60 minutes, clock time, fourth dimension, hour, hr, interval, minute, patch, period, period of time, piece, span, spell, time, time interval, time of day, time period, while.
2 Ilex paraguariensis, Paraguay tea, better half, checkmate, fellow, first mate, married person, match, mate, partner, spouse, teammate.
4 MO, New York minute, bit, blink of an eye, flash, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, minute, moment, patch, piece, pinpoint, point, point in time, second, spell, split second, trice, twinkling, while, wink.
5 MO, S, SEC, arcsecond, bit, endorsement, indorsement, instant, irregular, minute, moment, second, second base, second gear, secondment.
6 Man, art object, bit, composition, firearm, musical composition, objet d'art, opus, part, patch, piece, piece of music, slice, small-arm, spell, while.
7 New York minute, blink of an eye, flash, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, minute, moment, pinpoint, second, split second, timing, trice, twinkling, wink.
9 S, SEC, Siemens, South, atomic number 16, due south, entropy, mho, randomness, reciprocal ohm, second, southward, sulfur, sulphur.
13 bandage, dapple, darn, eyepatch, fleck, maculation, mend, patch, piece, plot, plot of ground, plot of land, speckle, spell, spot, temporary hookup, while.
14 break, distance, gap, human relationship, intermission, interruption, interval, musical interval, opening, patch, pause, piece, relation, relationship, room, space, span, spell, suspension, time interval, while.
16 charm, enchantment, go, magic spell, magical spell, patch, piece, spell, tour, trance, turn, while.
17 continuance, duration, length, patch, period, period of time, piece, spell, time, time period, while.
18 duration, geological period, interval, length, patch, period, period of time, piece, span, spell, term, time interval, time period, while.