Translation Spanish English: puntuación
Dictionary: main
1 CORE, Centre, Mark, breaker point, center, detail, distributor point, essence, gist, grade, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, item, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, place, point, score, spot, substance, sum, topographic point.
2 Cross, Deutsche Mark, Deutschmark, German mark, Gospel According to Mark, Mark, Saint Mark, St. Mark, bell ringer, brand, bull's eye, chump, crisscross, fall guy, fool, grade, gull, home run, marker, marking, mug, patsy, print, scar, score, scrape, scratch, sign, soft touch, stain, stigma, sucker, target.
3 DoT, Mark, detail, dit, grade, item, pip, place, point, punctuation, punctuation mark, score, spot, topographic point.
5 Mark, appraisal, assessment, estimate, estimation, evaluation, grade, judgement, judgment, opinion, rating, score, valuation, view.
6 Mark, brand, brand name, grade, make, marker, marking, marque, print, score, trade name, trademark.
8 Mark, categorisation, categorization, class, classification, division, grade, level, rank, score, tier.