Translation French English: proximité
Dictionary: main
1 circumference, environment, fringe, locality, neck of the woods, neighborhood, neighbourhood, outer boundary, peri, perimeter, periphery, vicinity.
2 circumference, fringe, locality, neck of the woods, neighborhood, neighbourhood, outer boundary, outskirts, perimeter, periphery, vicinity.
3 closeness, forthcomingness, imminence, imminency, imminentness, impendence, impendency, nearness, propinquity, proximity.
4 closeness, intimacy, locality, nearness, neck of the woods, neighborhood, neighbourhood, vicinity.
6 closeness, locality, nearness, neck of the woods, neighborhood, neighbourhood, propinquity, proximity, vicinity.
7 edge, hand, locality, neck of the woods, neighborhood, neighbourhood, position, propinquity, proximity, side, vicinity.
8 environment, environs, locality, neck of the woods, neighborhood, neighbourhood, surround, surroundings, vicinity.