Translation Spanish English: principio
Dictionary: main
1 Base, ancestor, antecedent, ascendant, ascendent, beginning, etymon, origin, radical, root, root word, rootage, solution, source, stem, theme, tooth root.
2 Base, author, beginning, foot, foundation, fundament, generator, groundwork, origin, root, rootage, source, substructure, tooth root, understructure.
3 Base, basic principle, basics, basis, bedrock, cornerstone, evidence, fabric, foot, foundation, framework, fundament, fundamental principle, fundamentals, grounds, groundwork, pedestal, principle, rationale, stand, substructure, understructure.
4 Creation, beginning, commencement, first, foundation, founding, get-go, inaugural, inauguration, initiation, innovation, instauration, institution, introduction, kickoff, offset, origination, outset, showtime, start, starting time, startup.
5 Crown, Meridian, acme, apex, apogee, bloom, blossom, climax, crest, culmination, efflorescence, elevation, flawlessness, flood tide, flower, flush, head, height, heyday, ne plus ultra, peak, perfection, pinnacle, prime, summit, superlative, tip, tiptop, top, vertex.
6 Crown, Meridian, acme, apex, crest, elevation, head, height, pate, peak, pinnacle, point, poll, summit, superlative, tip, tiptop, top, vertex.
7 Crown, acme, apex, climax, crest, flood tide, head, mountain peak, pate, peak, poll, summit, tip, top, vertex.
8 Dominion, convention, formula, linguistic rule, normal, pattern, prescript, principle, regulation, rule, ruler.
9 Low, beginning, commencement, first, first base, first gear, first-class honours degree, get-go, kickoff, low gear, number 1, number one, offset, outset, showtime, start, starting time.
11 Psyche, brain, capitulum, caput, chief, drumhead, forefront, foreland, fountainhead, head, head teacher, head word, header, heading, headland, headspring, headway, mind, nous, oral sex, pass, point, principal, promontory, question, read/write head, school principal, straits, top dog.
12 ancestor, antecedent, ascendant, ascendent, beginning, descent, extraction, origin, root, rootage, roots, source.
13 ancestry, beginning, blood, blood line, bloodline, descent, extraction, inception, line, line of descent, lineage, origin, origination, parentage, pedigree, root, rootage, source, stemma, stock.
15 antecedence, antecedency, anteriority, end, future, futurity, head, hereafter, point, precedence, precedency, priority, prong, terminal, time to come, tip.
16 article of faith, belief, conviction, credendum, credo, creed, dogma, faith, orientation, precept, principle, religion, religious belief, strong belief, tenet.
17 author, beginning, fountainhead, generator, head, headspring, origin, root, rootage, source, well, wellspring.
18 author, beginning, generator, germ, informant, origin, reference, reservoir, root, rootage, seed, source.
19 beginning, birth, descent, extraction, inception, origin, origination, parentage, root, rootage, source.
20 beginning, branch, commencement, counterbalance, first, get-go, kickoff, offset, offset printing, offshoot, outgrowth, outset, runner, set-back, setoff, showtime, start, starting time, stolon.
21 beginning, brink, commencement, doorsill, doorstep, first, get-go, kickoff, offset, outset, showtime, start, starting time, threshold, verge.
26 beginning, citation form, door, doorway, entrance, entranceway, entree, entry, entry word, entryway, main entry word, mouth, room access, start, threshold.
27 beginning, clew, clue, cue, hint, lead, origin, root, rootage, source, straw in the wind, track, trail.
28 beginning, commencement, commencement ceremony, commencement exercise, first, get-go, graduation, graduation exercise, kickoff, offset, outset, showtime, start, starting time.
29 beginning, commencement, curtain raising, first, get-go, kickoff, offset, opening, opening night, outset, showtime, start, starting time.
30 beginning, commencement, eruption, first, get-go, inception, irruption, kickoff, offset, origin, origination, outbreak, outset, root, rootage, showtime, source, start, starting time.
31 beginning, commencement, first, get-go, head, kickoff, offset, origin, outset, precept, principle, rationale, root, rootage, rule, showtime, source, start, starting time.
32 beginning, commencement, first, get-go, head start, jump, kickoff, offset, outset, scratch, scratch line, showtime, start, starting, starting line, starting signal, starting time, startle.
33 beginning, commencement, first, get-go, incipience, incipiency, kickoff, number one, offset, outset, showtime, start, starting time.
34 beginning, commencement, first, get-go, induction, initiation, kickoff, offset, opening, orifice, outset, porta, showtime, start, starting time, trigger.
35 beginning, commencement, first, get-go, kickoff, number one, offset, origin, outset, root, rootage, scratch, scratch line, showtime, source, start, starting line, starting time.
36 beginning, commencement, first, get-go, kickoff, offset, outset, projection, showtime, start, starting time.
37 beginning, commencement, first, get-go, kickoff, offset, outset, send-off, showtime, start, start-off, starting time.
42 beginning, fountain, germ, informant, natural spring, origin, outflow, outpouring, root, rootage, seed, source, spring.
49 catechetical instruction, doctrine, ism, orientation, philosophical system, philosophy, precept, principle, school of thought.
51 convention, criterion, formula, measure, normal, pattern, prescript, principle, regulation, rule, ruler, standard, straightedge, touchstone.
52 cutting edge, end, forefront, gunpoint, head, knife edge, point, pointedness, terminal, tip, vanguard.
- Lexicographical index
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- principiar
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- principio
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- pringarse