Translation Spanish English: preocupación
Dictionary: main
3 Passion, anxiety, avidity, avidness, craving, eagerness, hankering, keenness, nausea, rage, sickness, yen.
4 absorption, agitation, care, concern, disquiet, disquietude, edginess, engrossment, fear, ferment, fermentation, fluster, fret, inquietude, lather, perturbation, preoccupancy, preoccupation, queasiness, restlessness, stew, sweat, swither, tempestuousness, unease, uneasiness, unrest.
5 absorption, alarm, consternation, dismay, disquietude, edginess, engrossment, fret, inquietude, lather, preoccupancy, preoccupation, queasiness, restlessness, stew, sweat, swither, uneasiness, unrest.
6 absorption, anxiety, anxiousness, burden, care, concern, disquiet, encumbrance, engrossment, fear, headache, incumbrance, load, onus, preoccupancy, preoccupation, trouble, vexation, worry.
7 absorption, assimilation, concentration, engrossment, immersion, preoccupancy, preoccupation, soaking up.
11 affliction, agony, angst, anguish, distress, hurt, pain, painfulness, suffering, torment, torture, trouble, worry.
12 affliction, brokenheartedness, distress, grief, heartache, heartbreak, pain, painfulness, sorrow, trouble, woe, woefulness, worry.
13 affright, anxiety, anxiousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, care, concern, danger, dread, fear, fearfulness, fright, horror, panic, peril, risk, terror, trouble, worry.
14 agitation, anxiety, anxiousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, discomfort, disquiet, disturbance, dread, ferment, fermentation, fret, lather, perturbation, queasiness, restiveness, restlessness, skittishness, stew, suspense, sweat, swither, tempestuousness, trouble, uncomfortableness, unease, uneasiness, unrest, upset, worry.
15 agitation, anxiety, anxiousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, disquiet, doubt, doubtfulness, dread, dubiety, dubiousness, ferment, fermentation, fidget, fidgetiness, incertitude, precariousness, queasiness, restlessness, suspense, tempestuousness, trouble, uncertainness, uncertainty, unease, uneasiness, unrest, worry.
16 agony, annoyance, anxiety, botheration, concern, difficulty, headache, irritation, torment, torture, trouble, vexation, worry.
17 aid, attention, care, caution, charge, concern, fear, forethought, guardianship, maintenance, precaution, tending, tutelage, upkeep.
21 annoyance, bother, botheration, burden, encumbrance, hinderance, hindrance, hitch, incumbrance, infliction, interference, load, nuisance, onus, pain, pain in the ass, pain in the neck, preventative, preventive.
22 annoyance, botheration, difficulty, inconvenience, irritation, trouble, troublesomeness, vexation, worriment, worry.
23 anxiety, anxiousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, burden, care, concern, dread, encumbrance, fear, headache, incumbrance, load, onus, trouble, vexation, worry.
31 bias, parti pris, preconceived idea, preconceived notion, preconceived opinion, preconception, prejudice, preoccupation, prepossession.
32 body weight, burden, encumbrance, incumbrance, leverage, load, onus, shot, system of weights, weight, weightiness.
34 burden, burster, bursting charge, charge, encumbrance, explosive charge, incumbrance, load, onus.
35 burden, cangue, encumbrance, hinderance, hindrance, hitch, incumbrance, interference, load, onus, preventative, preventive, restraint.
36 burden, cargo, charge, consignment, encumbrance, freight, incumbrance, lading, load, loading, onus, payload, revenue enhancement, shipment, tax, taxation.
37 burden, cargo, consignment, encumbrance, freight, incumbrance, lading, load, loading, lode, onus, payload, shipment, warhead.
38 burden, encumbrance, hinderance, hindrance, hitch, incumbrance, interference, load, loading, onus, preventative, preventive.
- Lexicographical index
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- prensar
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- preocupación
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- preocupado