Переклад англійською з французської: ouvert
Словник: main
1 abrupt, open, out of the blue, outspoken, overt, sudden, unanticipated, undisguised, unforeseen, unlooked-for, vocal.
2 absolved, clean, clean-cut, clear, clear-cut, cleared, decipherable, exculpated, exonerated, light, open, percipient, readable, unclouded, unmortgaged, vindicated, well-defined.
3 assailable, blatant, blazing, candid, conspicuous, expansive, exposed, extroverted, extrovertish, forthcoming, heart-to-heart, hospitable, open, open-ended, open-minded, opened, outgoing, overt, talkative, unbarred, unbolted, unconcealed, undecided, undefendable, undefended, undetermined, undone, unfastened, unlatched, unlocked, unresolved, unsecured, up.
4 assailable, candid, capable, clear, exposed, heart-to-heart, loose, open, opened, overt, receptive, subject, undecided, undefendable, undefended, undetermined, unfastened, unresolved.
6 bare, defenseless, exposed, mere, naked, open, overt, raw, simple, stripped, uncovered, undisguised, unsheathed, unwrapped.