Translation Spanish English: naturaleza
Dictionary: main
1 Base, character, fiber, fibre, foot, foundation, fundament, groundwork, nature, root, stamina, staying power, substructure, tooth root, toughness, understructure.
2 CORE, Centre, center, character, disposition, essence, fiber, fibre, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, nature, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, substance, sum, temperament, texture.
3 Creation, Man, cosmos, domain, earth, earthly concern, existence, globe, human beings, human race, humanity, humankind, humans, macrocosm, mankind, populace, public, reality, universe, world, worldly concern.
5 Creation, conception, cosmos, creative activity, existence, foundation, founding, initiation, innovation, instauration, institution, introduction, macrocosm, origination, universe, world.
7 Creation, cosmos, existence, macrocosm, natural state, nature, state of nature, universe, wild, world.
11 Sand, backbone, braveness, bravery, character, courage, courageousness, fiber, fibre, grit, gumption, guts, moxie, nature.
15 attribute, character, dimension, disposition, fiber, fibre, inclination, lineament, nature, personality, property, quality, tendency.
17 belief, disposition, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, humor, humour, impression, look, mood, nature, notion, opinion, sentiment, smell, spirit, temper, tone.
18 blood, character, disposition, distinctiveness, fiber, fibre, inclination, nature, peculiarity, speciality, specialness, specialty, tendency.
19 body-build, broom handle, broomstick, build, grip, habitus, haft, handgrip, handle, helve, hilt, hold, nature, personality, physique, shaft, stalk, stem, stock.
22 capability, capableness, character, endowment, fiber, fibre, flair, genius, gift, natural endowment, nature, potentiality, quality, stuff, talent.
23 character, characteristic, custom, fiber, fibre, gender, grammatical gender, nature, sex, sexual urge, sexuality, tradition.
24 character, fiber, fibre, fictional character, fictitious character, grapheme, graphic symbol, nature.
25 character, fiber, fibre, individualism, individuality, individuation, lineament, nature, personality, quality.
- Lexicographical index
- :
- natural
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- naturaleza
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- naturalidad