Translation Spanish English: monstruo
Dictionary: main
1 ACE, Titan, adept, behemoth, champion, colossus, genius, giant, heavyweight, hotshot, maven, mavin, sensation, star, superstar, virtuoso, whiz, whizz, wiz, wizard.
2 Beelzebub, Devil, Dickens, Heller, Lucifer, Old Nick, Prince of Darkness, Satan, daemon, daimon, demon, deuce, fiend, hellion, monster, ogre, the Tempter.
3 Devil, Goliath, behemoth, colossus, demon, fiend, freak, giant, lusus naturae, monster, monstrosity, ogre, teras.
4 Devil, Titan, behemoth, colossus, demon, fiend, freak, giant, heavyweight, lusus naturae, monster, monstrosity, ogre, prodigy.
6 Devil, apparition, beguiler, bogeyman, booger, boogeyman, bugaboo, bugbear, charmer, daemon, daimon, demon, fiend, ghost, monster, shade, smoothie, smoothy, specter, spectre, spook, sweet talker, wraith.
7 Devil, apparition, daemon, daimon, demon, fiend, ghost, goblin, hob, hobgoblin, monster, shade, specter, spectre, spook, wraith.
12 Einstein, brain, brainiac, brilliance, endowment, flair, genius, gift, mastermind, natural endowment, prodigy, talent, wizardry.
13 FIG, SHAPE, Soma, Titan, anatomy, behemoth, bod, build, chassis, colossus, court card, design, face card, figure, flesh, form, frame, giant, heavyweight, human body, material body, name, pattern, physical body, physique, picture card, public figure, statue.
18 Titan, VIP, behemoth, big game, colossus, dignitary, giant, heavyweight, high muckamuck, high-up, panjandrum, very important person.
22 admirability, admirableness, admiration, marvel, miracle, prodigy, wonder, wonderfulness, wonderment.
23 apparition, freak, ghost, goblin, hob, hobgoblin, lusus naturae, monster, monstrosity, shade, specter, spectre, spook, wraith.
25 curiousness, foreignness, freak, grotesqueness, grotesquerie, grotesquery, lusus naturae, monster, monstrosity, strangeness.
27 eccentric, eccentric person, edition, flake, freak, geek, hybrid, loan-blend, loanblend, lusus naturae, monster, monstrosity, oddball, variant, variation, version.
- Lexicographical index
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- monolítico
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- monstruo
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- monstruoso