Translation Spanish English: momento
Dictionary: main
1 60 minutes, clock time, fourth dimension, hour, hr, interval, minute, patch, period, period of time, piece, span, spell, time, time interval, time of day, time period, while.
3 Day, ERA, age, ancientness, antiquity, contemporary world, epoch, geological era, geological period, historic period, modern times, modern world, period, period of time, present times, time, time period, times.
4 MO, New York minute, bit, blink of an eye, flash, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, minute, moment, second, split second, time, trice, twinkling, wink.
7 break, clocking, intermission, interruption, pause, recess, respite, suspension, time, time out, time-out.
10 continuance, duration, length, patch, period, period of time, piece, spell, time, time period, while.
11 deadline, delay, hold, holdup, period, period of time, postponement, time, time lag, time period, wait.