Переклад англійською з французської: mesure
Словник: main
1 BAR, amount, beat, bill, cadence, criterion, measure, measurement, measuring, measuring rod, measuring stick, mensuration, meter, metre, quantity, standard, step, touchstone.
2 Land, ambit, area, arena, compass, country, demesne, domain, extent, field, field of operation, kingdom, line of business, neighborhood, orbit, part, range, reach, realm, region, scope, sector, sphere.
4 access, approach, footfall, footstep, gait, mountain pass, move, notch, pace, pass, passage, passing, rate, step, stride, transition, tread.
6 action, action at law, action mechanism, activeness, activity, legal action, military action, natural action, natural process.
7 action, action at law, activeness, activity, legal action, military action, natural action, natural process, share.
8 action, beat, cadence, dance step, extent, footfall, footstep, measure, meter, metre, pace, step, stride.
9 ambit, area, arena, background, compass, domain, extent, field, grasp, orbit, range, reach, scope, sector, setting, spectrum, sphere.
12 arrangement, dance step, dictate, disposal, disposition, footfall, footstep, pace, placement, step, stride.
13 beat, beatnik, cadence, heartbeat, measure, meter, metre, musical rhythm, pulsation, pulse, rhythm, round.
16 bigness, denotation, elongation, extension, extension phone, extent, largeness, lengthiness, prolongation, reference, spread, spreading, telephone extension.
17 bound, boundary, bounds, bourn, bourne, demarcation, demarcation line, extent, limit, limitation, restriction.
20 dance step, footfall, footmark, footprint, footstep, gradation, measure, pace, stair, step, stone's throw, stride, tone, whole step, whole tone.