Переклад англійською з французської: lourd
Словник: main
2 abominable, atrocious, awful, bad, barbarous, big, brutal, cold, cold-blooded, cruel, dire, direful, dread, dreaded, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, fell, fierce, frightening, frightful, hard, heavy, horrendous, horrible, horrific, horrifying, inhuman, insensate, intemperate, merciless, painful, pitiless, remorseless, roughshod, ruthless, savage, severe, tearing, terrible, trigger-happy, ugly, unmerciful, unpitying, unspeakable, vehement, vicious, violent, wicked.
3 acute, crying, egregious, enormous, excessive, extravagant, extreme, exuberant, flagrant, glaring, gross, hard, heavy, inordinate, intense, knockout, overweening, rank, severe, terrible, tremendous, undue, unreasonable, utmost, uttermost, wicked.
4 admirable, authoritative, big, eminent, great, heavy, high, high-level, high-ranking, important, large, upper-level.
5 affluent, cunning, cute, dainty, fat, fertile, flush, golden, heavy, loaded, moneyed, precious, productive, rich, wealthy.
6 ample, big, bulky, enormous, epic, exaggerated, generous, goodish, goodly, great, healthy, heavy, hefty, heroic, high, king-size, king-sized, large, large-scale, larger-than-life, magnanimous, major, massive, monolithic, monumental, outstanding, overdone, overstated, queen-size, queen-sized, respectable, serious, severe, sizable, sizeable, tall, tidy, tremendous, untold.
7 annoying, arduous, backbreaking, boring, bothersome, deadening, dull, galling, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, ho-hum, irksome, irritating, laborious, leaden, lumbering, nettlesome, operose, pesky, pestering, pestiferous, plaguey, plaguy, ponderous, punishing, slow, teasing, tedious, tiresome, toilsome, vexatious, vexing, wearisome.
8 arduous, backbreaking, baffling, difficult, elusive, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, knotty, labored, laborious, laboured, operose, problematic, problematical, punishing, rugged, toilsome, tough, troubled, trying.
9 arduous, backbreaking, big, clayey, cloggy, dense, enceinte, expectant, fleshy, grave, gravid, great, grievous, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, impenetrable, intemperate, labored, laborious, laboured, large, leaden, lowering, lumbering, operose, overweight, ponderous, profound, punishing, sonorous, sound, sullen, threatening, toilsome, wakeless, weighed down, weighty, with child.
10 arduous, backbreaking, blue, dense, depressed, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downhearted, gloomy, grim, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, impenetrable, important, laborious, low, low-spirited, operose, punishing, serious, significant, toilsome.
11 awkward, bunglesome, burdensome, clumsy, cumbersome, cumbrous, embarrassing, onerous, sticky, taxing, troublesome, unenviable, ungainly.
12 backward, bovine, bumbling, bungling, butterfingered, clumsy, clunky, dense, dim, dull, dumb, feebleminded, gauche, gawky, graceless, half-witted, ham-fisted, ham-handed, handless, haphazard, heavy, heavy-handed, left-handed, lumbering, maladroit, obtuse, ponderous, slapdash, slipshod, sloppy, slow, slow-witted, ungainly, unpolished, unwieldy.
13 bad, beefy, big, brawny, buirdly, burly, compact, forte, full-blooded, hard, hardy, harsh, hearty, heavy, heavyset, hefty, husky, loud, lusty, muscular, potent, powerful, red-blooded, sinewy, solid, stalwart, stocky, stout, strapping, strong, sturdy, substantial, thick, thickset, tough, warm.
14 big, enormous, generous, great, heavy, high, important, large, large-scale, outstanding, serious, severe, significant, strong, tall, tremendous.
15 blue, corpulent, depressed, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downhearted, gloomy, grim, heavy, important, low, low-spirited, massive, obese, of import, rotund, serious, significant, weighty.
16 blue, dark, depressed, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downhearted, drab, drear, dreary, gloomy, grim, heavy, leaden, low, low-spirited, plodding, sorry.