Translation Spanish English: liar
Dictionary: main
3 adhere, affix, attach, beat, beat down, bind, bond, cement, chop, deposit, epoxy, fasten, glue, hit, hold fast, lodge, paste, stick, stick on, stick to, strike, wedge.
4 adhere, amaze, baffle, beat, bewilder, bind, bond, cleave, cling, cohere, deposit, dumbfound, flummox, get, gravel, hold fast, lodge, mystify, nonplus, perplex, pose, puzzle, stand by, stay, stay put, stick, stick around, stick by, stick to, sting, stupefy, vex, wedge.
5 adhere, attach, bandage, bind, bond, constipate, hold, hold fast, obligate, oblige, stick, stick to, tie, tie down, tie up, truss.
12 blab, blabber, bull, bullshit, chaffer, chat, chatter, chew the fat, chit-chat, chitchat, clack, claver, confab, confabulate, fake, gabble, gibber, gossip, jaw, maunder, natter, palaver, piffle, prate, prattle, shoot the breeze, talk through one's hat, tattle, tittle-tattle, twaddle, visit.
14 bull, bullshit, cook, counterfeit, fake, falsify, forge, fudge, manipulate, misrepresent, talk through one's hat, wangle.
- Lexicographical index
- :
- leño
- |
- liar
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- liberación