Translation Spanish English: jirón
Dictionary: main
1 MO, act, bit, bite, chip, flake, fleck, minute, moment, morsel, number, piece, routine, scrap, second, snatch, spot, turn.
2 Saratoga chip, bit, buffalo chip, check, chip, chip shot, chipping, cow chip, cow dung, crisp, flake, fleck, micro chip, microchip, microprocessor chip, poker chip, potato chip, scrap, silicon chip, splintering.
7 bit, chip, debris, detritus, dust, flake, fleck, fragment, junk, rubble, scrap, shard, sherd, snip, snippet, snipping.
13 bit, chip, flake, fleck, hint, jot, mite, pinch, scrap, small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity, soupcon, speck, tinge, touch.
14 bit, chip, flake, fleck, hunk, lump, morsel, piece, scrap, small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity, spot.
15 bit, chip, flake, fleck, morsel, piece, scrap, slice, small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity, spot.
17 cloth, fabric, material, piece of cloth, piece of material, rag, shred, tag, tag end, tatter, textile.