Переклад англійською з французської: interpréter
Словник: main
1 accept, construe, empathise, empathize, get, have, interpret, read, receive, represent, see, sympathise, sympathize, take, understand.
2 act, construe, interpret, perform, play, playact, read, rede, roleplay, see, spiel, translate, understand.
4 afford, construe, give, hear, intend, interpret, mean, read, see, think, translate, try, understand, yield.
5 agnise, agnize, construe, discover, empathise, empathize, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, interpret, learn, pick up, read, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, see, sympathise, sympathize, translate, understand.
6 analyse, analyze, break down, canvas, canvass, construe, dissect, examine, interpret, parse, see, study, take apart.
7 apprehend, cease, compass, complete, comprehend, conclude, construe, dig, discover, end, find out, finish, get a line, get the picture, get wind, get word, grasp, grok, hear, interpret, learn, pick up, savvy, see, stop, terminate.
8 apprehend, compass, comprehend, construe, dig, figure out, get the picture, grasp, grok, interpret, lick, puzzle out, read, savvy, see, solve, translate, understand, work, work out.
10 ascertain, assure, attend, catch, check, come across, consider, construe, control, date, determine, discover, encounter, ensure, envision, escort, examine, experience, fancy, figure, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, go out, go steady, go through, hear, image, insure, interpret, learn, look, meet, pick up, picture, project, realise, realize, reckon, regard, run across, run into, see, see to it, take care, take in, understand, view, visit, visualise, visualize, watch, witness.