Переклад англійською з іспанської: importe
Словник: main
1 CORE, Centre, Union, aggregate, amount, amount of money, center, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, join, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, substance, sum, sum of money, sum total, summation, total, totality.
2 ERA, Paddy, Price, alternate, charge, cost, damage, fee, geological era, monetary value, paddy field, replacement, rice paddy, surrogate, terms.
3 Leontyne Price, Mary Leontyne Price, Price, award, charge per unit, cost, damage, fare, monetary value, prize, rate, terms, toll, transportation.
4 Leontyne Price, Mary Leontyne Price, Price, charge, cost, damage, economic value, monetary value, terms, value.
5 Lot, Mass, amount, amount of money, batch, deal, dozens, flock, gobs, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, heaps, lashings, loads, lots, measure, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, oodles, passel, peck, pile, piles, plenty, pot, quantity, quite a little, raft, rafts, scads, scores, sight, slew, slews, spate, stack, stacks, sum, sum of money, tidy sum, tons, wad, wads.
6 Price, Worth, cost, deservingness, dignity, economic value, merit, meritoriousness, monetary value, value.
7 Price, account, bill, calculation, check, chit, computation, computing, cost, count, counting, enumeration, fee, invoice, monetary value, numeration, reckoning, tab, tally.
11 Price, charge, cost, damage, deservingness, economic value, figure, merit, meritoriousness, monetary value, number, terms, value.
16 Price, cost, entering, entrance, entranceway, entree, entry, entryway, income, incoming, ingress, monetary value, start.
22 addition, aggregate, amount, amount of money, plus, sum, sum of money, summation, total, totality.
23 amount, amount of money, brow, figure, forehead, frontal bone, os frontale, quantity, sum, sum of money.