Translation Spanish English: fundador
Dictionary: main
1 Almighty, Creator, Divine, Father, Father-God, Fatherhood, Founding Father, God Almighty, Godhead, Jehovah, Lord, Maker, begetter, beginner, founder, male parent, sire.
2 Church Father, Don, Father, Father of the Church, Father-God, Fatherhood, Founding Father, Padre, begetter, beginner, forefather, founder, male parent, sire.
3 Dharma, Father, Founding Father, ancestor, antecedent, ascendant, ascendent, beginner, founder, groundbreaker, innovator, pioneer, root, trailblazer.
4 Father, Founding Father, artificer, beginner, discoverer, founder, groundbreaker, initiator, innovator, instigator, inventor, pioneer, trailblazer.