Переклад англійською з французської: exécuter
Словник: main
2 accomplish, action, apply, carry on, carry out, carry through, conduct, deal, do, execute, fulfil, fulfill, give, make, perform, put on, take, turn in.
3 accomplish, action, apply, carry out, carry through, do, execute, exercise, fulfil, fulfill, perform, practice, practise, run, use.
4 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, clear up, complete, discharge, dispatch, do, eat up, execute, finish, finish off, finish up, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, get through, go through, implement, mop up, perform, polish off, put on, put through, turn in, wrap up.
5 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, do, execute, follow out, follow through, follow up, fulfil, fulfill, go through, implement, perform, play, put through, put to death, spiel.
6 accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, do, execute, fulfil, fulfill, perform, put to death, run.
7 actuate, alter, carry, change, control, determine, dislodge, displace, execute, incite, influence, modify, mold, motivate, move, operate, persuade, prompt, propel, regulate, reposition, run, shape, shift, sway, swing, swing over.
8 agree, commit, concord, concur, do, effect, effectuate, employ, engage, execute, hire, hold, invest, perform, place, put, put to death, run, set up.
9 be given, black market, bleed, break away, bunk, campaign, carry, consort, course, die hard, draw, endure, escape, execute, extend, feed, flow, fly the coop, function, go, guide, head for the hills, hightail it, hunt, hunt down, incline, ladder, lam, lead, lean, melt, melt down, move, operate, pass, persist, play, ply, prevail, race, range, run, run away, run for, scarper, scat, take to the woods, tend, track down, turn tail, unravel, work.