Translation Spanish English: desaparecer
Dictionary: main
1 avoid, bilk, circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, evade, fiddle, fudge, goldbrick, hedge, keep off, parry, put off, shirk, shrink from, sidestep, skirt.
2 break away, bunk, disappear, escape, fly the coop, go away, head for the hills, hightail it, lam, run, run away, scarper, scat, take to the woods, turn tail, vanish.
3 bugger off, buy the farm, buzz off, cash in one's chips, choke, conk, croak, decease, depart, die, disappear, drop dead, exit, expire, fuck off, get, give-up the ghost, go, go away, jack off, jerk off, kick the bucket, masturbate, pass, pass away, perish, pop off, scram, she-bop, snuff it, vanish, wank.