Translation Spanish English: demonio
Dictionary: main
2 Beelzebub, Devil, Dickens, Heller, Lucifer, Old Nick, Prince of Darkness, Satan, daemon, daimon, demon, deuce, fiend, hellion, monster, ogre, the Tempter.
3 Beelzebub, Devil, Lucifer, Old Nick, Phosphorus, Prince of Darkness, Satan, cerillo, daystar, friction match, match, morning star, the Tempter.
4 Beelzebub, Devil, Lucifer, Old Nick, Prince of Darkness, Satan, daemon, daimon, demon, djinn, djinni, djinny, fiend, genie, jinnee, jinni, the Tempter.
6 Devil, Dickens, adieu, adios, arrivederci, au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bye, bye-bye, cheerio, deuce, farewell, good day, good-by, good-bye, goodby, goodbye, leave, leave-taking, parting, sayonara, so long.
7 Devil, Goliath, behemoth, colossus, demon, fiend, freak, giant, lusus naturae, monster, monstrosity, ogre, teras.
8 Devil, Titan, behemoth, colossus, demon, fiend, freak, giant, heavyweight, lusus naturae, monster, monstrosity, ogre, prodigy.
10 Devil, apparition, beguiler, bogeyman, booger, boogeyman, bugaboo, bugbear, charmer, daemon, daimon, demon, fiend, ghost, monster, shade, smoothie, smoothy, specter, spectre, spook, sweet talker, wraith.
11 Devil, apparition, daemon, daimon, demon, fiend, ghost, goblin, hob, hobgoblin, monster, shade, specter, spectre, spook, wraith.