Translation Spanish English: cuadrilla
Dictionary: main
2 Brother, Comrade, Friend, Lot, Set, acquaintance, ally, associate, band, buddy, bunch, chum, circle, collaborator, companion, compeer, cooperator, crew, crony, crowd, equal, familiar, family, fellow, fellowship, gang, like, match, mate, member, membership, pal, pardner, partner, peer, rank, sidekick, the like, the likes of.
3 Confederacy, band, bunch, cabal, camarilla, camp, clique, conspiracy, coterie, crew, crowd, faction, gang, ingroup, inner circle, junto, pack.
4 Lot, Set, band, bevy, bunch, circle, clump, cluster, clustering, crew, crowd, drove, flock, fold, gaggle, gang, herd, horde, pack, pod, ruck, school, shoal, swarm, troop.
5 Lot, Set, band, bunch, camp, circle, clique, coterie, crew, crowd, gang, ingroup, inner circle, pack.
6 Lot, Set, band, bunch, circle, crew, crowd, front, gang, group, grouping, mathematical group, movement, social movement.