Traducción Español Inglés: cruce
Diccionario: main
1 Cartesian product, Cross, Mark, carrefour, crisscross, crossing, crossroad, crossway, intersection, intersection point, point of intersection, product.
2 Cartesian product, carrefour, convergence, crossing, crossroad, crossway, intersection, intersection point, overlap, point of intersection, product.
3 Cartesian product, carrefour, crossing, crossroad, crossway, intersection, intersection point, node, point of intersection, product.
4 Cross, Ford, carrefour, crossbreeding, crossing, crossover, crossroad, crosswalk, crossway, hybridisation, hybridization, hybridizing, interbreeding, intersection.
5 Cross, Mark, crisscross, crossbreed, crossbreeding, crossing, crown of thorns, hybrid, hybridisation, hybridization, hybridizing, interbreeding.
7 Cross, carrefour, crossbreed, crossbreeding, crossing, crossover, crossroad, crosswalk, crossway, hybrid, hybridisation, hybridization, hybridizing, interbreeding, interchange, intersection, miscegenation.
10 Cross, crossbreeding, crossing, hybridisation, hybridization, hybridizing, interbreeding, miscegenation, mix, mixture.
11 admixture, blend, blending, commixture, crossbreeding, interbreeding, intermixture, miscegenation, mix, mixing, mixture, portmanteau, portmanteau word.