Переклад англійською з французської: constater
Словник: main
1 abide by, celebrate, detect, discover, find, follow, honor, honour, keep, keep an eye on, maintain, mention, note, notice, observe, remark, respect, take note, watch, watch over.
2 abstract, cabbage, detect, discover, filch, find, hook, lift, nobble, notice, observe, pilfer, pinch, purloin, snarf, sneak, swipe.
4 adventure, bump, chance, encounter, find, gamble, happen, hazard, risk, run a risk, take a chance, take chances.
5 advert, attend, give ear, hang, look out, note, observe, pay heed, take care, take note, warn, watch, watch out.
6 agnise, agnize, apprehend, compass, comprehend, dig, discover, empathise, empathize, experience, feel, find, find out, get a line, get the picture, get wind, get word, grasp, grok, hear, interpret, know, learn, live, perceive, pick up, read, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, savvy, see, sympathise, sympathize, translate, understand.
7 agnise, agnize, detect, discover, empathise, empathize, feel, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, infer, learn, notice, observe, pick up, prove, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, see, sympathise, sympathize, turn out, turn up, understand.
8 appear, articulate, bespeak, betoken, emit, evince, express, formulate, give voice, indicate, intend, interpret, let loose, let out, mean, phrase, point, portray, prove, read, record, register, represent, show, signal, signify, stand for, turn out, turn up, utter, word.
9 argue, attest, bear witness, bespeak, betoken, betray, bewray, call attention, certify, demonstrate, denote, depict, describe, designate, display, draw, establish, evidence, evince, exhibit, expose, express, indicate, lay out, manifest, mark, point, point out, present, prove, read, record, refer, reflect, register, represent, shew, show, signal, signalise, signalize, state, testify.
10 articulate, bespeak, betoken, correspond, denote, display, emit, evince, exhibit, expose, express, formulate, give voice, indicate, intend, let loose, let out, mean, phrase, point, prove, read, record, reflect, register, represent, show, signal, signify, stand for, state, symbolise, symbolize, turn out, turn up, typify, utter, word.
11 articulate, bespeak, betoken, correspond, depict, display, emit, evince, exhibit, expose, express, formulate, give voice, indicate, intend, let loose, let out, mean, phrase, picture, point, prove, read, record, reflect, register, render, represent, show, signal, signify, stand for, state, symbolise, symbolize, turn out, turn up, typify, utter, word.
12 articulate, bespeak, betoken, display, emit, evince, exhibit, expose, express, formulate, give voice, indicate, intend, interpret, let loose, let out, mean, phrase, point, portray, prove, read, record, register, represent, show, signal, signify, stand for, turn out, turn up, utter, word.
13 ascertain, assure, check, control, determine, ensure, find, find out, insure, learn, see, see to it, watch.
14 ascertain, attain, bump, catch, chance, chance on, chance upon, come across, come over, come up, come upon, detect, determine, discover, encounter, fall upon, find, find out, get a line, get hold, get wind, get word, happen, happen upon, hear, learn, light upon, line up, locate, notice, observe, pick up, regain, see, situate, strike, turn up.
15 ascertain, bump, catch out, chance, come across, come over, come up, detect, determine, discover, encounter, find, find out, get a line, get hold, get wind, get word, happen, hear, learn, line up, locate, notice, observe, pick up, regain, see, situate, turn up.
16 ascertain, bump, catch out, chance, detect, determine, discover, encounter, feel, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, happen, hear, learn, locate, notice, observe, pick up, regain, see, seek out, situate, turn up.
17 ascertain, bump, chance, come up, detect, determine, discover, encounter, feel, find, find oneself, find out, get, get hold, happen, incur, line up, notice, observe, obtain, receive, recover, regain, retrieve, rule, see, witness.
18 ascertain, bump, chance, detect, discover, encounter, find, happen, note, notice, observe, read, record, register, show, take note, tape.
23 ascertain, detect, determine, discern, discover, distinguish, find, find out, locate, make out, notice, observe, pick out, recognise, recognize, sight, spot, spy, tell apart, turn up.
25 attain, break, bring out, chance on, chance upon, come across, come upon, describe, detect, disclose, discover, distinguish, divulge, expose, fall upon, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, give away, happen upon, hear, identify, key, key out, learn, let on, let out, light upon, name, notice, observe, pick up, reveal, see, strike, unwrap.
26 attain, bump, chance, chance on, chance upon, come across, come up, come upon, comprehend, detect, discover, encounter, fall upon, find, get hold, happen, happen upon, light upon, line up, notice, observe, perceive, regain, sight, spy, strike.
27 attain, catch out, chance on, chance upon, come across, come upon, describe, detect, discover, distinguish, expose, fall upon, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, happen upon, hear, identify, key, key out, learn, light upon, locate, name, notice, observe, pick up, see, strike, turn up, uncover, unfold, unveil.
28 bear witness, demo, demonstrate, depict, designate, establish, evidence, evince, exhibit, express, indicate, picture, point, present, prove, read, record, register, render, shew, show, show up, testify, usher.
29 bechance, befall, bump, chance, come about, encounter, fall out, find, go on, hap, happen, materialise, materialize, occur, pass, pass off, take place.
30 bespeak, betoken, constitute, designate, establish, found, indicate, institute, plant, point, read, record, register, say, show, signal, state, suggest, tell.
31 break, bump, chance, demote, dislodge, encounter, find, happen, kick downstairs, knock, relegate.
33 bump, catch, catch out, chance, detect, discover, encounter, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, happen, hear, learn, locate, notice, observe, pick up, see, turn up.
34 bump, chance, come, come across, encounter, fall, find, happen, hit, meet, run across, run into, see, stumble.
35 bump, chance, come across, come to grips, encounter, find, get to grips, happen, meet, run across, run into, see.
36 bump, chance, come across, come up, detect, discover, encounter, feel, find, get hold, happen, line up, meet, notice, observe, regain, run across, run into, see, strike.
37 bump, chance, come across, encounter, find, happen, meet, play, receive, run across, run into, see, take on.
38 bump, chance, discover, encounter, find, happen, recognise, recognize, reconnoiter, reconnoitre, scout.
40 carve, chase, engrave, etch, grave, inscribe, record, scratch, sculpt, sculpture, tape, videotape.
42 clock in, clock on, dial, hit, impress, ingrain, instill, mark, nock, pit, pock, punch in, rack up, read, record, register, scar, score, show, tally.
43 commemorate, enter, immortalise, immortalize, memorialise, memorialize, put down, read, record, register, show, tape.
46 comprehend, discover, find, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, learn, mark, note, notice, perceive, pick up, see.