Translation Spanish English: conseguir
Dictionary: main
1 accomplish, achieve, add up, amount, attain, become, bring home the bacon, come, come out, come through, comprise, consist, constitute, contract, deliver the goods, form, get, go, grow, make, maturate, mature, number, reach, succeed, take, total, turn, turn out, win.
2 accomplish, achieve, attain, bring off, carry off, draw out, educe, elicit, evoke, extract, hit, manage, negociate, obtain, pull off, reach.
4 acquire, adopt, appropriate, assume, booze, capture, conquer, consume, drink, espouse, follow, fuddle, get, get hold of, have, hop, imbibe, ingest, seize, strike, take, take in, take on, take over, take up.
5 acquire, adopt, assume, benefit, come up, earn, experience, find, gain, garner, gather, get, get hold, have, incur, line up, make, obtain, profit, receive, take, take on, win.
7 acquire, adopt, assume, develop, evolve, gain, get, grow, larn, learn, produce, take, take on, win.
8 acquire, advance, bring home the bacon, come through, deliver the goods, gain, gain ground, get ahead, make headway, pull ahead, succeed, win.
9 acquire, aim, amaze, arrest, arrive, baffle, beat, become, beget, begin, bewilder, bring, bring forth, bugger off, buzz off, capture, catch, cause, come, commence, contract, convey, develop, draw, drive, dumbfound, engender, experience, father, fetch, find, fix, flummox, fuck off, generate, get, get down, get under one's skin, go, gravel, grow, have, incur, induce, let, make, mother, mystify, nonplus, obtain, pay back, pay off, perplex, pose, produce, puzzle, receive, scram, set about, set out, sire, start, start out, stick, stimulate, stupefy, suffer, sustain, take, vex.
10 acquire, beat up, bring home the bacon, come by, come into, come through, come up, deliver the goods, drum up, find, fix up, get, get hold, line up, muster, muster up, obtain, rally, succeed, summon, win.
12 acquire, bring on, bring out, bully off, bump, cast, deracinate, derive, dig out, dislodge, draw, draw off, draw out, educe, elicit, evoke, extirpate, extort, extract, extrude, face off, force out, gain, get, get out, gouge, introduce, issue, let out, lift, produce, publish, pull, pull out, put out, quarry, release, remove, root out, serve, squeeze out, take, take away, take out, uproot, withdraw, wring from.
14 adjust, align, aline, alter, arrange, brush up, bushel, clean up, coif, coiffe, coiffure, do, doctor, dress, fix, fix up, furbish up, line up, mend, neaten, polish, polish up, repair, restore, round, round off, set, set up, slick up, smarten up, spiff up, spruce, spruce up, square away, stage, straighten, straighten out, tidy, tidy up, titivate, tittivate, touch on.
16 animate, arouse, brace, brace oneself for, brace up, cause, come up, elicit, encourage, energise, energize, enkindle, enliven, evoke, exalt, excite, fire, get, have, induce, inspire, invigorate, kindle, make, muster, muster up, perk up, prepare for, provoke, raise, rally, steel oneself against, steel onself for, stimulate, summon, undergird.
17 arise, ascend, bob up, come, come on, come up, find, get hold, go on, go up, lift, line up, move up, muster, muster up, rally, rise, rise up, scrape, scrape up, scratch, summon, surface, uprise.
18 ascertain, attain, bump, catch, chance, chance on, chance upon, come across, come over, come up, come upon, detect, determine, discover, encounter, fall upon, find, find out, get a line, get hold, get wind, get word, happen, happen upon, hear, learn, light upon, line up, locate, notice, observe, pick up, regain, see, situate, strike, turn up.
19 ascertain, bump, catch out, chance, come across, come over, come up, detect, determine, discover, encounter, find, find out, get a line, get hold, get wind, get word, happen, hear, learn, line up, locate, notice, observe, pick up, regain, see, situate, turn up.
20 ascertain, bump, chance, come up, detect, determine, discover, encounter, feel, find, find oneself, find out, get, get hold, happen, incur, line up, notice, observe, obtain, receive, recover, regain, retrieve, rule, see, witness.
22 attach, combine, come up, compound, conjoin, connect, interlock, join, link, link up, merge, mesh, muster, muster up, rally, summon, tie, unify, unite, weld.
23 attain, bump, chance, chance on, chance upon, come across, come up, come upon, comprehend, detect, discover, encounter, fall upon, find, get hold, happen, happen upon, light upon, line up, notice, observe, perceive, regain, sight, spy, strike.
24 bait, beat up, call up, cod, come up, drum up, mobilise, mobilize, muster, muster up, rag, rally, razz, rebound, ride, summon, tantalise, tantalize, taunt, tease, twit.
27 boom, bring home the bacon, come through, deliver the goods, expand, flourish, fly high, prosper, succeed, thrive, win.
28 break through, bring home the bacon, come through, deliver the goods, get through, make it, pull round, pull through, succeed, survive, win.
29 bring, bring down, impose, inflict, make for, obtain, play, provision, purvey, visit, work, wreak.
- Lexicographical index
- :
- consecutivo
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- conseguir
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- consejera