Translation French English: chaîne
Dictionary: main
1 Chain, Ernst Boris Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Chain, Strand, chain of mountains, chemical chain, concatenation, mountain chain, mountain range, range, range of mountains, string.
2 Chain, Hope, beat, heart rate, heartbeat, load, lode, mineral vein, promise, pulsation, pulse, pulse rate, vein, vena, venous blood vessel.
5 Chain, canal, chains, channel, chemical chain, communication channel, concatenation, duct, epithelial duct, irons, line, transmission channel.
9 Job, agate line, air, ancestry, argument, argumentation, assembly line, bank line, billet, blood, blood line, bloodline, business, business line, cable, channel, communication channel, contrast, course, crease, credit line, crinkle, demarcation, descent, dividing line, furrow, line, line of business, line of credit, line of descent, line of merchandise, line of products, line of reasoning, line of work, lineage, logical argument, melodic line, melodic phrase, melody, note, occupation, origin, parentage, pedigree, personal credit line, personal line of credit, phone line, pipeline, product line, production line, rail line, railway line, seam, short letter, stemma, stock, strain, subscriber line, telephone circuit, telephone line, transmission line, tune, wrinkle.
10 TV channel, canal, channel, communication channel, distribution channel, duct, epithelial duct, groove, line, television channel, transmission channel.
11 agate line, assembly line, channel, communication channel, contrast, demarcation, dividing line, itinerary, line, path, production line, road, route, run.
12 aqueduct, canal, channel, conduit, course, duct, epithelial duct, path, track, watercourse, waterway.
13 cable, channel, circuit, communication channel, electric circuit, electrical circuit, line, phone line, subscriber line, telephone circuit, telephone line, transmission line.
14 canal, channel, conduit, duct, epithelial duct, penstock, sluice, sluiceway, source, spout, transmission channel.
18 channel, circuit, communication channel, electric circuit, electrical circuit, line, tour, transmission channel.
19 channel, communication channel, course, distribution channel, itinerary, line, path, road, route, track.