Translation French English: catin
Dictionary: main
1 Cyprian, Cypriot, Cypriote, bawd, cocotte, fancy woman, harlot, lady of pleasure, prostitute, sporting lady, tart, whore, woman of the street, working girl.
2 Cyprian, Hooker, bawd, cocotte, fancy woman, floozie, floozy, harlot, hustler, lady of pleasure, prostitute, slattern, sporting lady, street girl, streetwalker, tart, whore, woman of the street, working girl.
3 Cyprian, bawd, beauty, cocotte, coquette, dish, fancy woman, flirt, harlot, knockout, lady of pleasure, looker, lulu, mantrap, minx, peach, prickteaser, prostitute, ravisher, smasher, sporting lady, stunner, sweetheart, tart, tease, vamp, vamper, whore, woman of the street, working girl.
4 Cyprian, bawd, bitch, cocotte, cunt, fancy woman, harlot, lady of pleasure, prostitute, sporting lady, tart, whore, woman of the street, working girl.
5 Cyprian, bawd, cocotte, creature, fancy woman, harlot, lady of pleasure, marionette, prostitute, puppet, sporting lady, tart, tool, whore, woman of the street, working girl.
6 Cyprian, bawd, cocotte, daughter, fancy woman, girl, harlot, jeune fille, lady of pleasure, lass, lassie, prostitute, sporting lady, tart, whore, woman of the street, working girl, young girl.