Translation Spanish English: aproximación
Dictionary: main
2 MArch, advance, advancement, approach, betterment, developing, development, evolution, feeler, forward motion, growth, improvement, melioration, onward motion, overture, procession, progress, progression, stride.
3 access, advance, approach, approach path, approach shot, approaching, attack, coming, feeler, glide path, glide slope, overture, plan of attack.
4 access, advance, approach, approaching, closeness, closing, closure, coming, feeler, nearness, overture.
6 advance, advancement, approach, betterment, cash advance, feeler, forward motion, improvement, onward motion, overture, procession, progress, progression, rise.
8 advance, approach, approaching, approximation, attack, bringing close together, closeness, coming, estimate, estimation, feeler, idea, nearness, overture, plan of attack.
10 anticipation, approximation, conjecture, estimate, estimation, expectation, guess, hypothesis, idea, prediction, prevision, speculation, supposition, surmisal, surmise.
13 approach, attack, attempt, blast, fire, flack, flak, onrush, onset, onslaught, plan of attack, tone-beginning.
18 closeness, familiarity, intimacy, meanness, minginess, nearness, niggardliness, niggardness, parsimoniousness, parsimony, secretiveness, stuffiness, tightfistedness, tightness.
19 closeness, forthcomingness, imminence, imminency, imminentness, impendence, impendency, nearness, propinquity, proximity.
- Lexicographical index
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- aprovisionar
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- aproximación
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- aproximadamente