Translation Japanese English: 麗しさ
Dictionary: main
2 Grace, Thanksgiving, blessing, free grace, good will, goodwill, grace of God, gracility, saving grace, seemliness, state of grace.
3 Grace, affinity, air, air current, atmosphere, aura, breaking wind, current of air, fart, farting, flatus, gracefulness, gracility, line, melodic line, melodic phrase, melody, strain, tune, wind.
6 Grace, civilisation, civilization, daintiness, dash, decency, delicacy, elan, fineness, flair, gracility, panache, refinement, style.
8 Grace, dapperness, free grace, gag, grace of God, gracefulness, gracility, jape, jauntiness, jest, joke, laugh, nattiness, rakishness.
10 Grace, dignity, gracility, grandeur, magnanimousness, nobility, nobleness, self-regard, self-respect, self-worth.
12 airiness, daintiness, dainty, delicacy, diplomacy, discreetness, discretion, fineness, finesse, fragility, goody, kickshaw, slightness, treat.
13 beauteousness, beauty, comeliness, daintiness, delicacy, fairness, fineness, loveliness, thinness.