翻訳 日本語 英語: 鍵
辞書: main
2 Florida key, Francis Scott Key, Key, cay, headstone, key fruit, keystone, paint, samara, tonality, winder.
6 Key, breath, clew, clue, confidential information, cue, hint, intimation, lead, steer, straw in the wind, tip, wind.
9 Key, clew, clue, cue, fancy woman, hint, kept woman, lead, mistress, straw in the wind, track, trail.
13 allusion, breath, clue, deduction, entailment, glimmer, glimmering, hint, implication, import, indicant, indication, inkling, intimation, prompting, significance, straw in the wind, suggestion.
14 beginning, clew, clue, cue, hint, lead, origin, root, rootage, source, straw in the wind, track, trail.
16 breath, clue, confidential information, hint, intimation, jot, lead, mite, pinch, soupcon, speck, steer, straw in the wind, suggestion, tinge, tip, touch, trace, wind.