Translation Japanese English: 軸
Dictionary: main
7 CORE, Centre, Congress of Racial Equality, burden, center, core group, effect, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, magnetic core, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, nucleus, pith, substance, sum.
8 CORE, Centre, PIN, anchor, backbone, center, core group, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, keystone, linchpin, lynchpin, mainstay, marrow, meat, nerve center, nerve centre, nitty-gritty, nub, nucleus, pillar, pith, pivot, seat, substance, sum.
9 CORE, Centre, burden, cell nucleus, center, core group, effect, essence, gist, head word, headword, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, karyon, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, nucleus, pith, substance, sum.
10 CORE, Centre, cell nucleus, center, centering, core group, direction, essence, focal point, focus, focusing, focussing, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, karyon, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, nucleus, pith, substance, sum.
11 CORE, Centre, center, center of attention, centre of attention, core group, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, nucleus, pith, substance, sum.