Translation Japanese English: 転回
Dictionary: main
1 agitate, beat, bowl over, charge, charge up, commove, excite, go around, grub, jumble, knock over, mix, overturn, revolve, roll, rotate, rouse, ruffle, rummage, scramble, shuffle, stir, throw together, tip over, tump over, turn on, turn over, upset.
2 birl, circle, circulate, go around, gyrate, reel, revolve, rotate, spin, spin around, turn, twirl, whirl.
3 birl, eddy, gyrate, purl, reel, spin, spin around, swirl, tumble, twiddle, twirl, whirl, whirl around, whirlpool.
5 border, circle, circulate, circumambulate, circumvolve, coil, confine, enclose, environ, ferment, go around, gyrate, hold in, move around, patrol, police, reel, revolve, ring, rotate, round, skirt, sour, spin, spin around, spiral, surround, turn, walk around, whirl, work.
6 border, circle, circulate, circumambulate, circumvolve, coil, environ, ferment, go around, gyrate, move around, orb, orbit, overspread, patrol, police, reel, revolve, ring, rotate, round, skirt, sour, spin, spin around, spiral, spread, surround, turn, walk around, whirl, work.
7 border, circle, circulate, circumambulate, confine, enclose, environ, go around, hold in, perambulate, revolve, ring, rotate, skirt, surround, walk about, walk around.
15 gyrate, move around, orb, orbit, reel, revolve, roll, spin, spin around, tumble, turn, turn over, wheel, wheel around, whirl, whirl around.
1 Bend, Eddy, braid, construction, crook, device, gimmick, kink, plait, pull, spin, tress, turn, turn of events, twirl, twist, twisting, whirl, wind, winding, wrench.
2 Bend, act, bit, bout, crook, go, good turn, number, play, round, routine, spell, tour, turn, turn of events, turning, twist.
3 Incarnation, Transfiguration, alteration, apparition, avatar, change, changeover, conversion, declension, embodiment, fluctuation, goblin, hob, hobgoblin, modification, shift, transformation, transition, transmutation, turn, turning, variation, variety.
4 about-face, change, changeover, conversion, policy change, reversal, shift, switch, switching, transformation, transition, transmutation, turn, turn of events, twist, variety, volte-face.
5 accident, chance event, emergency, exigency, fortuity, pinch, stroke, turn, turn of events, twist.
6 airing, amble, circle, circuit, coming back, homecoming, lap, perambulation, promenade, return, run, saunter, stroll, turn, twist, wind, winding.
7 alteration, barter, change, exchange, interchange, modification, shift, swap, switch, switching, swop, trade, variety.
8 alteration, change, changeover, conversion, modification, transition, turn, turn of events, twist, variety.
9 break, chemise, displacement, duty period, fault, faulting, fracture, geological fault, sack, shift, shift key, shifting, shimmy, slip, switch, switching, teddy, transformation, transmutation, work shift.
10 carry-over, change of location, displacement, migration, motion, move, movement, shift, shifting, switch, switching, transfer, transfer of training, translation, travel, traveling, travelling.
12 changeover, conversion, passage, shift, switch, switching, transfer, transference, transformation, transition, transmutation.
16 electric switch, electrical switch, permutation, replacement, shift, substitution, switch, switching, transposition.
17 giro, remission, remitment, remittal, remittance, spin, turn, turn of events, turning, twirl, twist, twisting, whirl.
18 gyration, revolution, rotary motion, rotation, shift, switch, switching, turn, turn of events, turning, twist.