Translation Japanese English: 見出し
Dictionary: main
2 Order, category, class, eye, family, oculus, optic, point of view, stand, standpoint, stitch, title, viewpoint.
3 Psyche, brain, capitulum, caput, chief, drumhead, forefront, foreland, fountainhead, head, head teacher, head word, header, heading, headland, headspring, headway, mind, nous, oral sex, pass, point, principal, promontory, question, read/write head, school principal, straits, top dog.
4 agate line, assembly line, business line, course, head, header, heading, isotherm, line, line of business, line of merchandise, line of products, phone line, product line, production line, row, straight line, subscriber line, telephone circuit, telephone line.
6 appellation, appellative, denomination, designation, form of address, name, title, title of respect.
9 caption, contents, head, header, heading, headline, index, newspaper headline, subtitle, table of contents, title.
13 championship, claim, deed, deed of conveyance, form of address, rubric, statute title, title, title of respect.
14 championship, effectiveness, form of address, head, header, heading, potency, strength, title, title of respect.
15 cognitive content, content, contents, meaning, mental object, message, subject matter, substance, table of contents.
16 content, contents, depicted object, message, subject, subject matter, substance, table of contents.
18 exponent, forefinger, hand, index, index finger, index number, indicant, indication, indicator, power.