Translation Japanese English: 立ち廻り
Dictionary: main
2 acting, caper, frolic, gambol, maneuver, manoeuvre, performance, performing, period of play, play, playacting, playing, playing period, romp.
3 affray, altercation, battle royal, dogfight, fracas, hassle, melee, rough-and-tumble, scrimmage, scuffle, tussle.
4 arguing, argument, brush, clash, contention, contestation, controversy, disceptation, disputation, dogfight, dustup, encounter, hassle, quarrel, rough-and-tumble, row, run-in, scuffle, set-to, skirmish, tilt, tussle, words, wrangle.
5 arguing, argument, conflict, contention, contestation, controversy, difference, difference of opinion, disceptation, disputation, dispute, dogfight, hassle, rough-and-tumble, scuffle, tilt, tussle.
7 battle, dogfight, grapple, grappling, hand-to-hand struggle, hassle, rough-and-tumble, scuffle, struggle, tussle, wrestle, wrestling.
8 bid, caper, child's play, drama, dramatic play, free rein, frolic, fun, gambling, gambol, gaming, looseness, maneuver, manoeuvre, period of play, play, playing period, romp, shimmer, sport, swordplay, turn.
10 combat, dogfight, dustup, fight, fighting, hassle, quarrel, rough-and-tumble, row, run-in, scrap, scuffle, tussle, words, wrangle.
12 dogfight, grapple, grappling, hand-to-hand struggle, hassle, rough-and-tumble, scramble, scuffle, tussle, wrestle, wrestling.