Translation Japanese English: 犇々
Dictionary: main
1 abundantly, copiously, extravagantly, fast, firm, firmly, hard, profusely, securely, solidly, soundly, steadfastly, steadily, tight, tightly, unwaveringly.
3 acutely, aggressively, badly, gravely, hard, seriously, severely, sharply, sorely, sternly, strongly, wildly.
9 by all odds, clearly, decidedly, definitely, distinctly, emphatically, exactly, firm, firmly, hard, in spades, incisively, just, precisely, securely, steadfastly, tightly, unquestionably, unwaveringly.
11 close, closely, exactly, flop, incisively, just, just right, precisely, right, tight, tightly, to a T, to perfection, to the letter.