Translation Japanese English: 溌溂たる
Dictionary: main
1 active, alert, alive, animated, brisk, energetic, lively, merry, racy, rattling, snappy, spanking, vibrant, vigorous, vivacious, warm, zippy.
3 agile, alert, assertive, bouncing, bouncy, brisk, emphatic, energetic, forceful, full of life, game, gamey, gamy, gritty, gumptious, hard-hitting, hardworking, indefatigable, industrious, lively, merry, mettlesome, muscular, nimble, peppy, quick, rangy, rattling, self-asserting, self-assertive, slashing, snappy, spanking, spirited, spry, spunky, strenuous, tireless, trenchant, unflagging, untiring, unwearying, up-and-coming, vital, zippy.
4 alert, alive, animate, animated, awake, bright, brilliant, colorful, colourful, intense, live, lively, living, smart, surviving, vivid.
5 alert, bouncy, brisk, full of life, live, lively, merry, racy, rattling, resilient, snappy, spanking, springy, vital, zippy.
6 alert, brisk, cheerful, convivial, gay, good-time, jocund, jolly, jovial, lively, merry, mirthful, pollyannaish, rattling, rousing, snappy, spanking, upbeat, zippy.
7 alive, animate, animated, buoyant, cheerful, chipper, chirpy, debonair, debonaire, gay, jaunty, jocund, jolly, jovial, lively, merry, mirthful, perky, vibrant, vivacious.
9 blatant, clamant, clamorous, festal, festive, gay, jocund, jolly, jovial, lively, merry, mirthful, strident, thronged, vociferous.