Translation Japanese English: 汲み上げる
Dictionary: main
1 absorb, adopt, assume, borrow, draw, fasten on, hook on, imbibe, latch on, lift out, resume, scoop, scoop out, scoop up, seize on, soak up, sop up, sorb, start, strike, suck, suck in, suck up, take, take in, take over, take up.
2 absorb, attract, cast, delineate, depict, describe, disembowel, drag, draw, draw and quarter, draw in, draw off, eviscerate, force, get, get out, guide, imbibe, line, make, pass, puff, pull, pull back, pull in, pull out, quarter, reap, run, soak up, sop up, string, suck, suck up, take in, take out, take up, thread, tie, trace, withdraw.
3 apprehend, bail out, bale out, bottom, compass, comprehend, dig, fathom, get the picture, grasp, grok, lade, laden, ladle, lift out, penetrate, realise, realize, savvy, scoop, scoop out, scoop up, see, take up, understand.
4 ask out, buy food, draw, draw off, draw out, except, excerpt, exclude, extract, get out, invite out, leave off, leave out, move out, omit, pull, pull out, pull up, remove, take away, take out, unpack, withdraw.
6 bring outside, deduct, deracinate, draw, excerpt, exteriorize, extirpate, extract, quarry, root out, subtract, take off, take out, uproot.