Translation Japanese English: 手懸
Dictionary: main
2 Cyprian, bawd, cocotte, fancy woman, harlot, kept woman, lady of pleasure, mistress, prostitute, sporting lady, tart, whore, woman of the street, working girl.
3 Florida key, Francis Scott Key, Key, cay, headstone, key fruit, keystone, paint, samara, tonality, winder.
4 Friend, admirer, booster, buff, champion, devotee, fan, fancy woman, girlfriend, kept woman, lover, mistress, protagonist, supporter.
8 Key, breath, clew, clue, confidential information, cue, hint, intimation, lead, steer, straw in the wind, tip, wind.
11 Key, clew, clue, cue, fancy woman, hint, kept woman, lead, mistress, straw in the wind, track, trail.
14 PB, atomic number 82, booster cable, confidential information, hint, jumper cable, jumper lead, lead, lead story, lead-in, leading, leash, lede, pencil lead, principal, spark advance, star, steer, tether, tip, track, trail, wind.
15 adult female, fancy woman, female, female person, girl, kept woman, married woman, mistress, wife, woman.
16 allusion, breath, clue, deduction, entailment, glimmer, glimmering, hint, implication, import, indicant, indication, inkling, intimation, prompting, significance, straw in the wind, suggestion.
17 beginning, clew, clue, cue, hint, lead, origin, root, rootage, source, straw in the wind, track, trail.
18 beleaguering, besieging, enclosing, enclosure, envelopment, fancy woman, inclosure, kept woman, military blockade, mistress, siege.
20 breath, clue, confidential information, hint, intimation, jot, lead, mite, pinch, soupcon, speck, steer, straw in the wind, suggestion, tinge, tip, touch, trace, wind.
21 cart track, cartroad, caterpillar track, caterpillar tread, course, cut, data track, lead, path, racecourse, racetrack, raceway, rail, rails, running, runway, track, trail.