Translation Japanese English: 愛慕
Dictionary: main
2 assume, believe, call back, call up, cerebrate, cogitate, conceive, conjecture, consider, deem, doubt, experience, feel, find, guess, hold, hope, hypothecate, hypothesise, hypothesize, imagine, intend, love, mean, opine, presume, recall, reckon, recollect, regard, remember, retrieve, see, speculate, suppose, surmise, suspect, take for, take for granted, theorise, theorize, think, think about, trust, view, view as.
3 bang, be intimate, bed, bonk, do it, eff, enjoy, fuck, get it on, get laid, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, have sex, hump, jazz, know, lie with, love, make love, make out, roll in the hay, screw, sleep together, sleep with.
2 Fall, adherence, adhesion, adoration, attachment, commitment, committedness, idolisation, idolization, latria, spill, tumble, worship.
3 Service, adoration, church, church service, divine service, idolisation, idolization, latria, religious service, worship.
4 admiration, adoration, awe, deference, esteem, fear, honor, honour, idolisation, idolization, laurels, regard, respect, reverence, veneration.
5 adoration, ambition, aspiration, breathing in, dream, hungriness, idolisation, idolization, inhalation, inspiration, intake, longing, yearning.
7 adoration, awe, cult, cultism, cultus, devotion, fear, idolatry, idolisation, idolization, latria, religious cult, reverence, veneration, worship.
8 adoration, awe, cultism, deference, devotion, esteem, fear, idolatry, idolisation, idolization, regard, respect, reverence, veneration.
9 adoration, congratulations, encomium, eulogy, extolment, glorification, glory, idolisation, idolization, kudos, latria, paean, panegyric, pean, praise, worship.
10 adoration, cultism, devotion, iconolatry, idol worship, idolatry, idolisation, idolization, veneration.