Translation Japanese English: 寄せる
Dictionary: main
1 accumulate, amass, assemble, call for, collect, compile, garner, gather, gather up, get together, hoard, pick up, pile up, pull in, pull together, roll up, take in.
2 accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, compile, conjoin, connect, garner, gather, get together, hoard, join, link, link up, piece, pile up, pool, pull together, put together, roll up, set up, tack, tack together, take in, tie.
3 accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, compile, foregather, forgather, garner, gather, get together, hoard, meet, pile up, pull together, roll up.
4 accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, conglomerate, cumulate, foregather, forgather, gain, garner, gather, get together, meet, pile up, pucker, pull together, tuck.
5 accumulate, amass, bring together, collate, collect, compile, conjoin, garner, gather, hoard, join, muster, pile up, pull together, rejoin, reunite, roll up, round up, take in.
6 accumulate, amass, catch, clear, collect, compile, farm, garner, gather, gather in, gather up, hoard, lift up, pick up, pile up, pull together, recapture, roll up, take in, take up, unclutter.
7 add, add together, add up, append, bestow, bring, contribute, impart, lend, sum, sum up, summate, supply, tally, tot, tot up, total, tote up.
8 add, add together, admit, augment, bestow, blend in, bring, bring down, contribute, impart, impose, include, increase, inflict, lend, let in, mix in, throw in, visit.
9 add, add together, approach, collect, come near, come on, draw close, draw near, garner, gather, go up, mail, near, post, pull together, put aside, put away, send.
12 adjudicate, clean up, decide, determine, dispose of, do in, kill, knock off, liquidate, neaten, neutralise, neutralize, put aside, put away, resolve, settle, square away, square off, square up, straighten, straighten out, tidy, tidy up, waste.
13 advance, approach, come along, come near, come on, come out, come up, draw close, draw near, get along, get on, go on, go up, near, progress, shape up, show up, surface, turn up.
14 air, beam, broadcast, charge, commit, direct, get off, institutionalise, institutionalize, mail, place, post, send, send off, send out, ship, station, transmit, transport.
17 approach, arise, ascend, burn down, burn up, climb, climb up, come near, come on, come up, draw close, draw near, go up, lift, mount, move up, near, rise, uprise.
18 approach, assemble, call, call in, come by, come near, come on, draw close, draw near, drop by, drop in, foregather, forgather, gather, get together, go up, meet, near, visit.
19 approach, border on, come near, come on, draw close, draw near, go about, go up, near, set about.
20 approach, come near, come on, cuddle, draw close, draw near, go up, near, nest, nestle, nuzzle, snuggle.
22 approach, come near, come on, demand, draw close, draw near, exhort, go up, near, press, urge, urge on.
23 arise, articulate, begin, bite out, bob up, breathe, come about, come up, depart, discharge, emit, enounce, enunciate, fall out, fire, go away, go forth, go on, hap, happen, leave, let loose, let out, mail, occur, originate, part, pass, pass off, post, pronounce, radiate, say, send, set forth, set off, set out, sound, sound out, start, start out, state, take off, take place, tell, utter.
24 arise, be due, blast, bob up, breathe, come up, depart, despatch, discharge, dispatch, emit, fire, flow from, go away, go forth, leave, let loose, let out, mail, part, pass off, post, radiate, send, send off, set forth, set off, set out, shoot, sound, start, start out, take off, utter.
25 bid, bring forth, bring on, bring out, cut, despatch, dish, dish out, dish up, dispatch, except, exclude, feed, get off, help, issue, leave off, leave out, mail, make out, offer, omit, post, produce, release, remove, send, send off, serve, serve up, take, take away, take out, tender, turn, withdraw, write out.
26 boot out, can, chuck out, direct, discharge, dismiss, displace, drop, effuse, egest, eject, eliminate, exclude, excrete, fire, flip, force out, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, heave, mail, pass, pitch, post, pour, pour out, sack, send, send away, send packing, sky, terminate, toss, turf out, turn out.
28 bring forth, despatch, dispatch, exsert, extend, get off, hold out, mail, offer, post, present, produce, proffer, put out, send, send off, stretch forth, stretch out, submit.
29 bring forth, despatch, dispatch, exsert, extend, hold out, mail, offer, post, present, produce, proffer, put out, render, send, send off, stretch forth, stretch out, submit.
30 cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, gaol, immure, imprison, incarcerate, jail, jug, lag, lock, lock away, lock in, lock up, put aside, put away, put behind bars, put to sleep, remand, shut away, shut up, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out, tuck away, tuck in.
32 charge, commit, despatch, dispatch, get off, institutionalise, institutionalize, mail, post, remit, send, send off.
34 command, dictate, direct, get off, mail, order, post, prescribe, require, send, send off, send out, ship, transport.
35 cross-refer, despatch, dispatch, get off, mail, post, refer, relax, remand, remit, send, send back, send off, send out, slack, slack up, slacken.
37 deposit, despatch, dig, dispatch, jab, lodge, mail, poke, post, prod, send, send off, stab, stick, wedge.