Translation Japanese English: 一巡
Dictionary: main
1 Hertz, Hz, bicycle, bike, cps, cycle, cycle per second, cycles/second, oscillation, rhythm, round, wheel.
2 Lapp, Lapplander, Saame, Saami, Same, Sami, belt, circle, circuit, hip-hop, knock, lap, plastic wrap, rap, rap music, whack, whang, wrap.
3 Lot, Mexican valium, R-2, Set, band, circle, circuit, dress circle, forget me drug, lap, roach, roofy, rope, rophy, rotary, round, roundabout, traffic circle.
4 airing, amble, circle, circuit, coming back, homecoming, lap, perambulation, promenade, return, run, saunter, stroll, turn, twist, wind, winding.
5 beat, bout, circle, cycle, daily round, one shot, rhythm, round, round of drinks, round of golf, rung, stave, troll, turn, unit of ammunition.
6 beat, calendar method, calendar method of birth control, cycle, musical rhythm, regular recurrence, rhythm, rhythm method, rhythm method of birth control, round, speech rhythm.
13 circle, circuit, electric circuit, electrical circuit, grand tour, lap, racecourse, racetrack, raceway, tour, track.