Translation Japanese English: ボール
Dictionary: main
2 Ball, Lie, falsehood, falsity, fib, ninepin ball, prevarication, skittle ball, story, tale, taradiddle, tarradiddle, untruth.
3 Ball, Lucille Ball, Nut, ballock, bollock, chunk, clod, clump, egg, formal, glob, globe, lump, musket ball, orb, orchis, testicle, testis.
5 Ball, Nut, ballock, bead, bollock, chunk, clod, clump, drop, egg, eggs, family jewels, gem, glob, globe, jewel, lump, male genital organ, male genitalia, male genitals, orb, orchis, pearl, precious stone, sphere, testicle, testis.
6 Ball, ass-kisser, charmer, crawler, flunkey, flunky, lackey, smoothie, smoothy, stooge, sweet talker, sycophant, toady, yes-man.
12 ambit, area, arena, background, clock dial, clock face, compass, domain, field, orbit, range, reach, scope, sector, setting, sphere.
13 area, arena, celestial sphere, domain, empyrean, field, firmament, heavens, orbit, sector, sphere, sphere of influence, vault of heaven, welkin.