Translation Ukrainian English: склад
Dictionary: main
1 Constitution, authorship, composing, composition, make-up, makeup, musical composition, opus, paper, penning, physical composition, piece, piece of music, report, theme, typography, writing.
3 Malcolm stock, ancestry, blood, blood line, bloodline, breed, broth, caudex, descent, farm animal, fund, gillyflower, gunstock, inventory, line, line of descent, lineage, livestock, neckcloth, origin, parentage, pedigree, stemma, stock, stock certificate, store, strain.
6 arsenal, composition, compound, constitution, depository, depot, entrepot, formulation, hangar, make-up, phraseology, repertory, repository, stock, stockroom, storage, store, storehouse, syllable, train, warehouse.
7 barn, coverture, depositary, depository, depot, garner, hide, receptacle, refuge, repertory, repository, reservoir, storage, thesaurus.
11 computer memory, computer storage, depot, entrepot, fund, memory, memory board, shop, stock, storage, store, storehouse.
- Lexicographical index
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- скисати
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- склад
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- складальний