Translation Ukrainian English: приємний
Dictionary: main
1 acceptable, agreeable, balmy, boon, delicious, dulcet, fair, felicitous, good, goodly, graceful, grateful, jocund, likeable, nice, palatable, pleasant, pleasing, pretty, quaint, satisfactory, slick, sweet, tasty, wally.
3 adept, beneficial, dear, dependable, effective, estimable, expert, full, good, honest, honorable, in effect, in force, just, near, practiced, proficient, respectable, right, ripe, safe, salutary, secure, serious, skilful, skillful, sound, undecomposed, unspoiled, unspoilt, upright, well.
5 angelic, angelical, cherubic, dulcet, fresh, gratifying, honeyed, mellifluous, mellisonant, odoriferous, odorous, perfumed, scented, seraphic, sugared, sweet, sweet-flavored, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling, sweetened, unfermented.
6 appealing, attractive, catching, catchy, cute, good-looking, lovable, magnetic, personable, pleasing, pretty, quaint, stunner, tempting, well-favoured, well-looking, winsome, yummy.
8 around the bend, balmy, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crackers, daft, dotty, fruity, haywire, kookie, kooky, loco, loony, loopy, mild, nuts, nutty, round the bend, soft, wacky, whacky.
9 average, bonnie, bonny, clean, comely, fair, fairish, honest, just, mediocre, middling, reasonable, sightly.
10 beautiful, beautyful, bonny, cute, decent, desirable, fair, fair-faced, fine, good, good-looking, goodly, handsome, lovely, neat, nice, pleasing, pretty, retentive, satisfactory, smart, strong, stunner, well-mastered.