Translation Ukrainian English: обмежувати
Dictionary: main
2 abridge, astrict, bind, circumscribe, confine, conscribe, constrain, determine, limit, pinfold, restrain, restrict, straiten, terminate.
3 adhere, attach, bandage, bind, bond, constipate, hold, hold fast, obligate, oblige, stick, stick to, tie, tie down, tie up, truss.
4 ascertain, check, decide, define, determine, find, find out, fix, influence, learn, limit, make up one's mind, mold, regulate, see, set, settle, shape, specify, square off, square up, watch.
5 bound, circumscribe, confine, define, determine, fix, limit, restrain, restrict, set, specify, throttle, trammel.
6 bound, circumscribe, confine, detain, enclose, hold, hold in, limit, restrain, restrict, throttle, trammel.
7 bound, confine, constrain, cumber, encumber, hold, hold back, intimidate, keep, keep back, limit, restrain, restrict, throttle, trammel.
9 can, cease, dismiss, displace, end, finish, fire, force out, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, sack, send away, stop, terminate.
- Lexicographical index
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- обмежувальний
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- обмежувати
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- обмежувач